Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It's a blog! Like all of the other blogs!

I figured since I've been having all sorts of change thrust upon me lately, like it or not, I'd contribute to the process and get a BLOG! I had sort of an overwhelming burst of "must...blog...now..." but now that I'm here, I've discovered I don't quite have the motivation to really browse and peruse this site to become as familiar with it as I probably ought to. That will come later.

Says the girl with a horrible tendency toward procrastination.

Anyway, I'm on the internet...on a computer...AND IT'S MINE. The 36-hour Computer Fail Event of 2010 has come to an end.

{No, I'm sorry to tell you, there will not be souvenir pendants available that read "I contributed redundant information via Twitter to Heathyr's 36-hour Computer Fail Event 2010!" Just kidding. But not about the pendants.}

The having of a functional computing device was a fantastic feeling before the realization that I lost all my bookmarks and don't remember half of my passwords and have to re-download basically every program I use regularly had a chance to set in fully.

But still...VICTORY. Take that, pain-in-the-ass Virus Of Doom, even though I contributed very little to nothing except the money for the hardware and semi-humorous Tweets and @slushymermaid did all of the actual work. I kicked your ass, virus, don't be comin round back here again!

It seems I entertained the masses with my 4,862 tweets on the subject of all my fail in the past 36 hours. (If you missed it, check out my Twitter profile and catch yourself up with the last ten freaking pages or so. For the love of god). I actually gained followers, which is bizarre and I'm convinced I'm going to lose them all again once my life gets back to normalboring. But in the meantime, I'm glad my anguish made your day a little brighter, you sadistic bastards. :)

I had such high hopes for the start of this week, which included working on (if not completing) my class for ConVocation and reviving the lost art of the Heathyr Hoffman Youtube Video. BUT THEN my entire hard drive committed suicide in protest, and I was forced to reflect on the possibility that I might really be that boring. Just kidding?

Fortunately I don't have class tomorrow so perhaps I can attempt to cram 2 lost days' worth of work and laundry into a 15 - okay, let's be honest, 10 - hour day. I also need to re-load all of my files onto the computer and attempt to play catch-up with everything else. Unnecessary interruptions and complications, my new life companions it seems.


  1. if you have a PC, switch to a Linux operating system to avoid this... all that will crash your drive are actual hardware malfunctions versus viruses and etc. IMHO the easiest OS['s] to deal with when switching from the evils of Microsoft are Ubuntu and SUSE... [I'm inferring the virus, you may have just gotten a new computer and didn't know how to transfer settings]
