Saturday, February 27, 2010

ConVocation: the summary

Didn't I say right off the bat when I got this blog that I would probably not post as much as I think I should? It's funny how self-fulfilling prophecies work, isn't it? It's like they are prophecies that fulfill themselves!

ConVocation was a great experience overall. I didn't crash my rental car into anything, I didn't get hopelessly lost, and u-turns are the standard in Michigan so I managed to play it off like I'm a competent driver. That would really be enough to make a satisfying day for me, but on top of those things - my class went really well! I was pleased that so many people showed up (some of them who actually watched GHA, imagine that!), everyone was on board with the material, and no one fell asleep (no tomatoes got thrown either). The comments and stories are always what makes this kind of thing fantastic, so I'm appreciative of the contributions above all else.

Of course, in the middle of my teaching the class, my favorite dead guy said (loudly) "I don't believe in ghosts". Hilarious, sure, but a little unhelpful when I'm trying to look professional and serious and I'm the only one who can hear him...I think I hid it well though. It didn't happen to show up on the audio either - which, incidentally, can be downloaded right here for the next few days. There was video footage of the class too, but we're trying to see what we can salvage given that the camera kept falling off the table. A day in the life. Some type of video/audio combination will (hopefully) be up on the Youtubes shortly.

I'm glad I got to catch some really interesting classes as well, and I visited a little cemetery in Troy. A combination of snow on the ground, sunset, and the wind made it a cemetery experience that just can't be replicated in Arizona. I made friends with that tree there on the left - you probably wouldn't understand. I'm not usually one who has a strong affinity for nature spirits/energies, but it worked out this time for some reason. There was a larger cemetery up the road, but it closes at 4p in the winter which I think is silly; besides, it's a flat cemetery, and I don't understand those. It's the headstones and statuary that really make the ambiance of a place.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention the fantastic people - both the new ones I met and the friends I don't get to see nearly as often as I'd like (things like "living on opposite sides of the country", they get in the way, you know?). Thanks for the hugs and support, keeping me from throwing myself and/or other people off balconies, the giant bottle of gin that I didn't drink, and putting up with my Nyquil-induced stupor (see right) that resulted in at least 15 minutes of uncontrollable giggling after our toilet overflowed continuously for no reason. The masquerade ball on Saturday night was a great excuse to put on a dress, which I simply cannot ever pass up (see left); but it was also lots of fun too. Y'all are people who know me far too well, and still actually like me for some reason! I'm not questioning it, I'm just grateful.

The folks who work their arses off to put on ConVocation do a fantastic job, and I'm not just saying that because two of them happen to be some of my favorite people. Pat them on the back the next time you see them.

Listen, I have some great things in the works people. I wish I could tell you all about them, but since I can't, you'll just have to trust me on this one. Internet stuff? Events? New TV shows? Maybe. You'll just have to wait and see. If you watch anyone for long enough, they're bound to do something interesting once in awhile, right?

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